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pls pake control keyboard


woi controllnya gimana, wasd apa arrow keys , gabisa gerak

itu cmn bisa gamepad

Bikin versi android nya dong


wait but my game is also named dev showdown? uhh dev showdown vs developer showdown?


wait what? Well, i of cource didnt steal you game's title, i think its really a coincidence

it is a coincidence i guess so uh yea XD

this is my cosinXD

Bang untuk stik e slime bisa kan tapi pencet attack nya apa

ada kok instruksinya sebelum mulai main, right trigger

i proud of my indonesia

Bisa buat android dong pleasea bang, gk bisa ya noo


Android gak bisa kak?:(


Deleted 3 years ago

Yoi ty

Muantap, dah Ku Coba


Wow. You made a game with the well known indie game Devs 😂


Yah gw ga punya gamepad :(

(1 edit) (-1)


sama bro

Bagus skalee


Kid game develeper? Kalo iya berarti sama kek aku

kalo aku super kid game dev, kelas 4 sd udah ngerti bahasa C++, udah bisa bikin Game Khusus skillbench mark, bencmark untuk skill kita, bukan buat pc, well, 2024 aku bakal bikin game buat strees cpu sama gpu,


